Nick Groff Divorce - Currently, veronique roussel is single and not dating anyone. Previously, she was married to her. The tragic life of nick groff. Nicholas groff was born on april 19, 1980, in san jose, california. However, he grew up in nashua, new hampshire. Nick’s interest in the. Nick is a paranormal investigator, who you may have caught on the travel channel. For years, nick and tessa groff worked separately, but now, the two of them are. In 2025, nick married to tessa delzoppo who is a psychic. He had a past marriage with veronique roussel back in 2004 who gave birth to their daughters named chloe and. In 2025, nick married tessa delzoppo, a psychic. They had a past marriage with veronique roussel in 2004 and gave birth to their daughters named chloe and annabelle. Nick groff’s transition from ghost hunting to new horizons has been a testament to his insatiable curiosity and unyielding determination. While he may have left the world of. Nick groff, born nicholas nick groff on 19th april 1980, is a u. s. Paranormal investigator, television personality, and musician. Presently, he is busy as the leading investigator in the tv. Nick and elizabeth was both married when they started filming together. And they got caught having the affair. His ex wife found and divorced him. Now, basically, he and liz are together. In this article, we delve into the details surrounding nick groff’s divorce, highlighting five interesting facts that shed light on this significant event in his life.
Currently, veronique roussel is single and not dating anyone. Previously, she was married to her. The tragic life of nick groff. Nicholas groff was born on april 19, 1980, in san jose, california. However, he grew up in nashua, new hampshire. Nick’s interest in the. Nick is a paranormal investigator, who you may have caught on the travel channel. For years, nick and tessa groff worked separately, but now, the two of them are. In 2025, nick married to tessa delzoppo who is a psychic. He had a past marriage with veronique roussel back in 2004 who gave birth to their daughters named chloe and. In 2025, nick married tessa delzoppo, a psychic. They had a past marriage with veronique roussel in 2004 and gave birth to their daughters named chloe and annabelle. Nick groff’s transition from ghost hunting to new horizons has been a testament to his insatiable curiosity and unyielding determination. While he may have left the world of. Nick groff, born nicholas nick groff on 19th april 1980, is a u. s. Paranormal investigator, television personality, and musician. Presently, he is busy as the leading investigator in the tv.